Get your CLIENTS information organized
Centralized all your CLIENTS information in one place ONLY
Manage easily and quickly all your clients on the same interface.
- Client summaries
- Ability to add specific details (discount, devices, country …).
- Quick view of all your documents.
- Multiple projects.
- Multiple devises.
- More…

Invoice multiple contacts or addresses within the same client.
- One Client
- Multiple Contacts
- Multiple Addresses
- Select by Invoicing or Delivering
- More…
Schedule Emails and Invoice Reminders
Want to prepare an email and send it later? Easy with SalenGo.
Just specify the day and hour when your wish to send it.
Late non-approved estimate or late payment can be sent automatically to clients on due date or other date.
- Up to 3 reminders.
- Choose manual or automatic.
- Choose between email or ground post

Import Clients from outside.
No more rewrite client’s information.
Don’t want to do the job again. Do not re-enter all of the information into SalenGo
Import your contacts now from different sources.
- Gmail, Ymail, MSN,…
- CVS file
- XLS File
- vCard Files
- Oulook File
- …